
Protect your passwords like you protect your cows

Technology use is increasing across every industry, including dairy farming. Let’s look at how you can secure your farm online.
Though passwords might not always be top of mind, weak or compromised passwords can significantly impact your farm’s daily activities and your data security. Creating strong passwords is a foundational step towards improving your cyber security.
That’s why we present tips and tricks you can use to protect yourself against potential cyber threats. 

Let’s work together to secure what’s yours. Take the step towards cyber security with our Golden Password Security Tips. 


The 5 Golden Rules for Creating Strong Passwords

Weak passwords can allow unauthorized access to your accounts? Here are 5 tips to help you create strong, secure passwords: 

1. Use passphrases
Use a phrase only you can remember easily and use letters from it to make the password.
We visited Spanish farms over 12 times with the Baxters!

2. Make Your Passwords Long
Use at least 16 characters. Longer passwords are harder to crack! 
Bad example: P@ssw* (Easily cracked)
Good example: LongP@ssw*rd*#*^ (Much harder to crack) 

3. Use Random Characters and Symbols
Combine uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols for complexity.  Bad example: AstonMartinDB5
Good example: A$t0nM@rt1NDB5! 

4. Make them easy to remember
Use phrases only you would know, making it hard for others to guess.
Bad example: DairyFarming
Good Example: “MyDoughtersSchoolIsAllways0pen!” 

5. Use a password manager
Using unique, complex passwords for each account is easier with a password manager. Remember just one secure master password by following the tips above.