
Your robotic milking and feeding experts in Cork, Kerry & Limerick.


Lely Center Mitchelstown was established in 2015 and since then, our team is fully committed to transforming a concept into reality as smoothly as possible. Our services include:

  • Sales advice
  • Individual barn designs and layouts
  • Project management
  • Installation
  • Farm management support
  • Scheduled maintenance of all Lely equipment

Our Lely trained engineers are located throughout the area, thus ensuring a fast and efficient service and back up 24/7, 365 days of the year.
Our ultimate aim is to help our customers reduce labour requirements on their farms, increase productivity and financial wellbeing.  We believe we have the ideal solution for your farm. 


Avail of up to 60% TAMS Grant

The Lely Discovery has one of the best TAMS reference costs on the market, if availing of the 40% grant you can get €6,700 and at 60% there is €10,050

*information is only for indicative purposes and correct at time of publishing

Management Team


Our customers

Denis Mulcahy

1 Lely Astronaut A5

When I made the decision to change to robotic milking, some people said to me I must be mad because I’d be getting away from physically seeing the cows on the farm. But that hasn’t been the case at all. Thanks to the Astronaut A5, we’ve got access to more information about each animal now than we ever did previously, and that’s been very helpful to us both in terms of making milking easier and in monitoring the welfare of our herd,

140 Cows on 2 Lely Astronaut A5 Milking Robots

John Ring

Blarney, Co.Cork

I was critically ill in hospital for 16 days while we were at the height of calving at home so Pat, my farm manager and my wife Mary took over the show yet I could see how everything was going on the farm off my phone. When you bear in mind that Pat and I were pretty much illiterate on the technology front up until we had the robots installed, that just goes to show the quality and user friendliness of the Lely system. And we know that Lely Centre Mitchelstown is only ever a phone call away when it comes to any help or advice that we’d need.

1 x Lely Discovery Collector

Gearoid Maher

Cappamore, Co.Limerick

The Discovery Collector is specifically designed for barns with solid floors and takes a revolutionary diverse approach when compared to traditional manure scrapers. The Collector does not push manure, but vacuums it. This makes the build-up of manure – in which cows stand – a thing of the past. This not only makes for a cleaner floor, it also ensures the cows’ hooves remain cleaner. This improves both cow health and the well-being of the animals.

65 Cows on 1 Lely Astronaut A5 Milking Robot

John Curtin

Athlacca, Co. Limerick

Things are a lot more flexible now, with 5 young ones they need to be brought here, there and everywhere and now, it’s just so much easier.

Going from 1 to 2 robots while working off farm

Tom & Stephanie Stack

Mallow, Co.Cork

After a trip to Holland in 2017, our eyes were really opened to the possibilities of robotic milking. The fact that it was working so successfully and then after we met two farmers with robots who were working off farm. After chatting with them, we could relate to how they were managing the farm and also working off the farm full time. We then went to an open day and visited a few farmers locally, and we saw that they definitely work on a grass based system.

Read More of our Farmer Testimonials

Testimonial Block 4

Testimonial Block 5

Lely Center Mitchelstown

Mitchelstown Business Park, Unit 1, Block A, Dublin Road

P67 XK83 Mitchelstown

Plan your route

We are available on workdays from:

09:00 - 17:00

How can we help you?

If you have any questions about our services, maintenance, support or solutions, don’t hesitate to reach out! Our advisors are happy to provide skilled support and guidance in your farm optimisation process.