The best results with a Lely Astronaut

Since 2015, we have seen that cows that are milked by a Lely Astronaut produce more milk on average than cows that are milked in other systems. This trend will continue in 2023, with the difference in milk production even greater than ever. And once again, Astronaut users combine that with a better cell count and excellent fertility characteristics. Check out all the details in the charts below.

Milk Production

€458 more milk yield per cow per year compared to parlours


Astronaut milking robots 

Other milking robots 

Milking parlours 

Lely vs other milking robots 

Lely vs milking parlours*

Milk per year (kg) 9.798 9.262 8.808 + 5,8% + 11,2%
Milk per day (kg) 26,84 25,38 24,13    
Fat (%) 4,43 4,48 4,51    
Protein (%) 3,61 3,63 3,62    
Fat (kg) 433 413 396    
Protein (kg) 354 336 319    
Total fat and protein (kg) 787 749 715 + 5,1% + 10,1%
Milk yield per cow per year ** € 4.533 € 4.285 € 4.075 + € 248 + € 458

* Percentage is the difference ** Milk price €0.463 per kg of milk (average 2023)

Higher milk yield with milking robots
Dairy farmers who milk with an Astronaut milking robot achieve higher milk, fat and protein production on average. The results show that dairy farmers with a Lely Astronaut achieve 5.8% more milk compared to the average of the other brands of milking robots and even 11.2% more compared to milking parlours.

On a farm of 100 cows, this meant an additional yield of €45,800 in 2023 compared to farms that milk with milking parlours. The difference with other automatic milking systems is slightly smaller compared to milking parlours, but there too the difference in milk yield in 2023 was substantial. On a farm of 100 cows, the milk yield is €24,800 higher with a Lely Astronaut milking robot compared to another brand of milking robot.

Fat and protein production

Up to 10% more kilograms of fat and protein compared to milking parlours
The fat and protein percentages of the cows milked in the Lely Astronaut are barely lower than those of cows milked with other systems. In combination with the higher milk production, this results in substantially more kilograms of fat and protein. The total number of kilos of fat and protein is 5.1% higher than the average of dairy farmers with a different brand of milking robot and on average 10.1% higher than dairy farmers with a milking parlour.

Life Production

On average, a higher lifetime production (kg of milk) at disposal


Astronaut milking robots 

Other milking robots 

Milking parlours 

Lely vs other AMS 

Lely vs milking parlours*

Lifetime production at disposal (kg) 38.679 35.945 36.035 + 7,6% + 7,3%
Age at disposal (years.months) 5.10 5.10 6.00    
Production per lactation day (kg) 29,94 28,60 27,53    
Production per day of life (kg) 17,01 15,87 15,20 + 7,2% + 11,9%
Discharge (%) 24,1% 24,8% 24,3%    
Milk yield per cow** € 17.893 € 16.628 € 16.670 + € 1.265 + € 1.223

* Percentage is the difference ** Milk price €0.463 per kg of milk (average 2023)

Higher lifetime production, comparable lifespan
Dairy farmers with a Lely Astronaut milking robot achieve a higher lifetime production (kg of milk) on average when removed and produce more milk per day. The lifetime production of all cows is on the rise, but the cows milked on a farm with an Astronaut milking robot score highest on this indicator. They produce an average of 7.2% more milk per day of life than cows milked with another brand of milking robot and even 11.9% more than cows milked in a milking parlour. Cows milked in milking robots hardly have a shorter lifespan, the average age at disposal is two months lower (5.10) than cows milked in a milking parlour (6.00).



Astronaut milking robots 

Other milking robots

Milking parlours

Calving interval (days)




Number of inseminations per calf 




a higher milk production in automatic milking systems, the fertility indicators show hardly any differences between the different milking systems.

Cell count (cow level)


Astronaut milking robots 

Other milking robots 

Milking parlours 

Cell count  199.000 209.000 205.000

Dairy farmers with Lely Astronaut milking robots have the lowest cell count compared to the average of the other brands of milking robots and milking parlours. The individual cell count of cows milked in an Astronaut is on average 199,000 cells per ml. This is substantially lower than cows milked in other milking robots (209,000 cells per ml). The somatic cell count of cows milked in milking parlours is somewhere in between (205,000 cells per ml).

Source: MPR annual statistics 2023.

  • Based on data from more than 1,300,000 cows from more than 12,000 farms in the Netherlands.
  • The period under review is the MPR milk control year 2023.
  • Lely Astronaut milking robots have been compared to all other brands of milking robots and all types of milking parlours.
  • All results are significant, with a 95-99% confidence interval.

Smart milking with Lely

Flexibility and well-being for yourself and the cows while producing high-quality milk. Producing quality milk requires time and attention. The starting point must be: healthy and satisfied cows and that requires the right choices. Choices that also suit you and what you want to achieve with your company. Our solutions help you make the right choices
