A man in a black and red jumpsuit smiles while standing in front of a Lely Sphere outside a dairy barn. A field and silo are visible in the background.


Take advantage of emissions, fertilize with precision

Lely Sphere is a circular manure-handling system designed to separate mineral streams and create value from emissions. It separates feces and urine and converts nitrogen emissions into valuable liquid fertilizers for precision fertilization. This approach allows you to improve mineral cycles and barn climate.

USP's Sphere

  • Capture and convert

    Capture and convert

    Enzymes in manure convert urea into ammonia, which vapourises within hours. Tests show that capturing and converting this ammonia into circular nitrogen could reduce ammonia emissions by over 70% and produce 10 kg to 15 kg of nitrogen per cow annually. This reduces your need for purchased fertilizers.

  • Optimal fertilizers

    Optimal fertilizers

    Stainless steel inlays in the slatted floor enable you to separate urine and feces. The ammonia rich air from the cellars and the slatted floor with inlays can only exit the barn via the N-Capture pit ventilator in which the ammonia is transformed into a liquid fertilizer with the use of an acidified solution.

  • Safer barn climate

    Safer barn climate

    The Lely Sphere extracts manure gases, making the climate healthier and the barn safer. The manure robot provides a hygienic environment by frequently cleaning the floor, lowering the risk of hygiene-related hoof and udder health problems.


Sphere consists of the following parts

This automatic manure-handling system is designed to contribute to sustainable dairy farming. Its features help improve closing mineral cycles as well as barn climate. 

A floor that separates the urine from the faeces

Separation strips close the existing slatted floors, allowing urine and air to flow into the pit while the faeces remain on the floor. This separation reduces ammonia emissions. 

A revolutionary manure robot for (semi)closed floors

The Discovery Collector collects the feces and dumps in a specific dumppit. This dumping location has a siphon, allowing it to maintain negative pressure in the pit. The Discovery Collector has the ability to aspirate the feces and, depending on the basement plan, can dump the feces in a different location than the urine. This offers additional possibilities for the optimal use of the various mineral streams.

Capture ammonia from the barn and manure pit

The N-Capture creates negative pressure in the manure pit by extracting the air and manure gases that accumulate under pressure just above the floor. Before the air exits, it passes through a filter in the N-Capture. The N-Capture filter, captures the ammonia and converts it to a fluid; the circular fertilizer.

Capture nitrogen with sulphuric or nitric acid

The N-Capture works with sulphuric acid or nitric acid. Both are effective; the difference is in the fertilization value. These acids are supplied in safe, double-walled Variboxes. The system has an automatic empty signal, ensuring that the supplier installs a new Varibox in time.

Use circular nitrogen fertilizers to feed your crops according to their needs

When the acidified solution is saturated, the liquid ammonium nitrate or ammonium sulphate is stored in the fertilizer silo. You can use circular fertilizer precisely for the nutrition of crops. In addition, circular fertilizers create less emissions compared to spreading manure.


This is how the Sphere works

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Creating the most animal-friendly and productive environment contributes to optimal cow health. It can also lengthen the lactation cycle, increase milk yield and reduce costs.