We trust our technology
Official response to Volkskrant article of 4 January 2025
Maassluis, 4 January 2025 – Today, Dutch newspaper the Volkskrant published an article on some widely known challenges surrounding the nitrogen challenge in general and emission-reducing techniques in particular. Our circular barn system Lely Sphere is featured in it.

Official response to Volkskrant article of 4 January 2025
“In today’s article, the Volkskrant exposes a well-known and sensitive challenge: whether you’re a farmer or innovative company making the necessary steps towards (even more) sustainable farming, the legal uncertainty remains. ‘Proven innovation’ does not exist. Yet, we trust our technology based on a rigorous, independent and scientifically assured authorisation process and the results of the 30 Lely Sphere systems we see in practice. It is in the interest of the environment, society, dairy value chain and, last but certainly not least, the farmer that the uncertainty about licensing and future policy is removed,” responds André van Troost, CEO Lely.
Titled ‘Of de stal-installatie van de firma Lely voldoende stikstof weghaalt is volstrekt onduidelijk. Maar het ministerie beveelt haar van harte aan en subsidieert royaal’ (‘Whether Lely's barn system removes enough nitrogen is completely unclear. But the ministry warmly recommends it and generously subsidises it') the Volkskrant discusses amongst others the doubts surrounding the authorisation procedure of emission-reducing techniques, whether barn systems continue to do what they promise in practice even when used for the long-term, and what the impact is on farmers' business model and future prospects.
Continuous improvement needed
The issues raised in the article are not new – neither are they for Lely. That is why we continue to develop our techniques and remain in dialogue with our customers, scientists, governments and others to achieve greater certainty and outlook for the future. Contrary to the picture presented in the Volkskrant, we do not see this as a mission impossible.
Inaccuracies explained
Despite several contact moments between the Volkskrant and Lely in the past 18 months that this article was worked on, not all the facts have been (correctly) presented.
- The article ignores the fact that the authorisation procedure - on the basis of which an average of 77% ammonia emission reduction in the barn was determined - was carried out according to a scientific measurement protocol, by an independent measuring agency and on mutually distinct and independent (not Lely) farms.
- The quote made by the Volkskrant ‘Alle moeite voor niets, eigenlijk.’ (‘All efforts for nothing, really’) is therefore factually incorrect. The Sphere can be used for both ammonia emission reduction and precision fertilisation, and separation of manure flows is not a requirement for ammonia emission reduction.
- It is also not mentioned that Lely has been working with scientists, governments and others for two years to increase certainty in practice by using a ‘model Passive Assessment’ to include a margin of uncertainty and agreements on use and maintenance in the permit.
- Our spokesperson's statement that the specific Sphere system as currently described could only be produced by Lely creates the wrong suggestion. The Lely Sphere contains 23 patented inventions. Lely protects its intellectual property with patents, this also applies to the Sphere. Therefore, the Sphere as currently developed can only be produced by Lely. Other companies are free to develop similar nitrogen emission-reducing systems.
Innovation needed for sustainable food production
At Lely, we remain committed to innovation to continue supporting farmers in their important work of providing us with healthy food. Sustainably produced food for a growing world population - with an eye for animals and the environment - requires a different way of working. Here, innovation continues to play a major role. We believe innovation ultimately is a way to not only supporting farmers worldwide in their work, but also to ensure an appropriate and fair business model for them.
Detailed interpretation
For detailed interpretation of the issues raised in the article and correction of factual inaccuracies, please refer to our separate document ‘Additional information following Volkskrant article 4 January 2025’ (button below).
More information
For further questions regarding the article, this statement or the appendix, please contact Eveline van Wijmen, spokesperson, at or by phone +31 6 51 94 47 48.
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