
Disclaimer text

The information on the Lely website is provided for information purposes only and does not constitute an offer for sale. Certain products may not be available in individual countries and products supplied may differ from those illustrated.

All rights on used texts, pictures, logos, animations, video, sound, graphics, as well as their configuration on the internet pages are reserved for the Lely Group. No part of this publication may be copied or published by means of printing, photocopying, microfilm or any other process whatsoever without prior permission in writing by Lely Holding B.V.

Although content on the Lely internet pages has been compiled with the greatest possible care, Lely cannot accept liability for any damage, directly or indirectly, that might arise from errors or omissions on the Lely website pages. Any links on the Lely website pages to other providers are meant for the comfort of the user. However, no liability or representation for contents of these pages is accepted. Links to third parties should not be regarded as a reference or approval of these pages or the performances and the information offered by such parties. The use of the link is subject to the sole responsibility of the user.