
Your partner in large dairy automation

We recognise the unique challenges of larger dairy farms and provide solutions for all circumstances. By bringing automation and technology to your farm, you reduce repetitive work and labour requirements and enhance animal welfare. Our Lely Dairy XL specialists provide expert, support and share their knowledge in setting up and managing large dairy farms worldwide.

USP's Dairy XL

  • Animal welfare

    Animal welfare

    Our solutions drive results by creating an environment where cows can maximise their genetic potential and where farmers can focus on running their businesses and attending to cows that need special attention.

  • Red Cow Community

    Red Cow Community

    The Red Cow Community is initiated by Lely to connect and inspire Dairy XL customers by sharing experiences and insights. The network consists of several hundred large dairy farms worldwide.

  • Digital farming

    Digital farming

    A modern dairy farm generates vital data on cow health, milk yields, operations, and more. Our digital management system, Lely Horizon, uses powerful algorithms to transform this data into actionable insight for daily management and strategic decision-making.


Shared experiences

Let's hear what insights and experiences some of our Red Cow community members want to share with us.


Ideas behind the Dairy XL approach

Creating an environment where cows, technology and people work together allows them to excel in their area and will deliver increased results. By having cows and technology work for the farmer, time is freed up to focus on other routines and execute the right decisions. The nature of labor changes from repetitive work to focusing on only those cows that need attention.

Growing through automation with our Dairy XL team. Our colleagues from Farm Management Support help to realise the full potential of your farm automation decisions. In this video the three basic principles of our Dairy XL approach are explained: “Build to manage”. 

Work smarter with our proven routines. Cows lives are made easier by applying the free cow traffic principle in the barn. Still, all cows do require attention from the farmer at specific times during their lactation. We call these moments a cow touch. In this video we explain how all interactions with the cow during her lactation can easily be organized via our setup.

How our farm management vision and the Horizon management system provide full control.

Dairy XL global user experiences

Stories from our customers

ES Dumbría – Spain

Jesús Perfecto, Granadería Pazos

500 cows, 8 Lely Astronaut milking robots, double Lely Vector automatic feeding system

Looking to the future, the most important conditions for a job are that it must be convenient, efficient and enjoyable. These things are more important than just economic results and profitability.

Plymouth, IN, USA

Brian and Jill Houin, Homestead Dairy

36 Lely Astronaut milking robots

When you put in a rotary you have to fill it as fast as you can, with the robots you can do it in phases. Therefore we were able to do this with our own cows."

Ljusdal, Sweden

Janne Hansson “Vallens Gård”

18 Lely Astronaut A4 milking robots

The biggest advantages are the soft values, for both cows and the staff. Now their tasks with the animals are more preventive. We are now a step ahead instead of extinguishing fires as we sometimes did before.

Peebleshire, Scotland

Colin Laird, Blythbridge Holsteins

500 cows, 10 Lely Astronaut milking robots

Once you get over 400 cows, you start to lose that connection with individual cows, they become just numbers. Installing the robots brought that connection back: I know the cows better now.

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    • Brochure

    Dairy XL

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How can we help?

Farmers all over the world make choices about how they set up and run their farms. Every day, we help them make the best choices for themselves and their farms. We do this by providing advice and innovative solutions that contribute to efficient farm management as well as sustainable milk and meat production, present and future.